Quite some time back I was invited to an 80's party. When thinking of an outfit to wear, I decided I could go with the side ponytail/big sweatshirt/spandex pants look; however I decided to blaze my own path (weird, that's soo not like me) and came up with an amazing costume. If you haven't seen Wet, Hot, American Summer you are sadly missing out. Lenny and I dressed up with our knee-high workout socks, little gym shorts, 80's baseball shirts, and whistles. To finalize our costumes, we included a quintessential 80's object.... The fanny pack...
The fanny pack is quite an ingenious idea especially when one is out at a bar. You have both hands free to double fist a shot and a beer; you can carry your wallet, camera, and phone without having bulky pockets. I mean, no one can refute the functionality of this product. Now, you may be asking yourself, "why ramble on about fanny packs?"

Well, in Buenos Aires, there has been a resurgence of the fanny pack!!! At first, I thought it was just tourists that utilized the "Buffalo Pouch." Three weeks in, and I have found out that even locals use them... Now, just to clarify; I'm not talking about the gucci bag SJP wore in Sex in the City... I wish that was the case. No, no; I'm talking about your typical, run of the mill, $5.00 Walmart fanny pack. If I had known that all the cool kids were wearing fanny packs, I would have brought my two (yes I own two, sadly) along to rotate throughout the week. Damned are the fashion gods!!!!
To change the subject completely; I am excited for this next year for many reasons. First of all, umm hello... I'm living in Buenos Aires!!!! It still shocks me from time to time, especially when I look at a map of the world. I am also very happy about being able to practice my spanish. For those of you that don't know, Argentina has a very distinct dialect that is quite different from anywhere else. They tend to pronounce their words with an Italian accent. It's like comparing apples and oranges; they're similar but still completely different. Not to mention, the spanish down here is just unbelievably sexy. It easily makes a girl with my complexion blush.
Another thing I am very excited about is being able to do things on my own without a man. Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to begin a rant on Men-Bashing. It's just funny though, the things that men excel at over women. For example, doing things with their hands. I must give it to men, that when it comes to building things, planting trees, getting dirty, etc, men just have it going on. Another forte of men would be electronics, my Achilles heal.
For whatever reason, it seems like all guys understand electronics. Now that I'm down in "no-mans-land," I'm having to figure out my own electronic issues without the help of a guy. Yesterday, I was craving some US movies because lets face it, "A Walk to Remember," is just as bad dubbed over in Spanish as it is in English.
I found a site to download "Valentine's Day." It looks cute, and a year without having a guy around will mean I'll be watching all the romantic comedies I can sink my teeth into (there really aren't enough Kate Hudson/Matthew McConaughey movies). After 5 hours of downloading, I excitedly opened up the file and read, "this file is unable to play with your current system." WTF??! Ok, I just bought my Mac 3 months ago, this is just horse sh**!!!!
Now, normally if I were having this issue I would call a guy friend to walk me through the process of playing my movie. Well, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore! This time I was left to my own devices to figure it out. Long story short, I got it to work, threw a fist pump in the air and went to the MaxiKiosko for a bag of chips and a coke. Ahh, satisfaction tastes so good. Hopefully when I'm old and married my husband won't have to hear the dreaded, "Honey, the tv's not working" line because I can fix it all by myself!
Haha, I love the picture of you with what I'm assuming is the movie you were able to download.
ReplyDeleteI just caught up on the last few posts, and I am very intrigued by your most recent post. I'll save the conversation about "Sam" for another day, though I think I've heard parts of that post before. I do like your three goals for your time in Buenos Aires and I'm glad you're in such a better living situation now.
Keep living the dream friend and stay in touch.