I recently had a conversation with a friend about online dating, and about how you would describe yourself, which got me thinking… If I wanted to bullshit people, I’d say something like, “carefree blonde, adventure traveler, full of life, easy going, athletic, and fun sense of humor…” blah blah blah.
Yes those are all my characteristics, but it really doesn’t read “Laura.” What I would truly want to say, is “Perfectly highlighted blonde, impulsive to the point of carless traveler, full of life (ya that’s pretty spot on), easy going when consuming, athletic-soccer-playing tomboy covered in bruises, and absolutely, sarcastically-f*cking-hilarious.
We’ve all heard the saying “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Well, I’ve tweaked my personal version; my motto to live by, my mantra, my adage would be:
“One belly laugh a day, keeps the doctor away.”
I think it goes without saying that anyone who comes into contact with me is impressed with my quick tongue and even quicker wit (geeeez I'm modest too). Making people laugh is a very unconscious act for me, and it could even be a selfish one; as we all know, laughter is contagious. The more people that laugh around me, the more I get to laugh and the glorious circle continues.
One aspect that many find difficult when learning another language is how to be funny. I don’t know if I could go an entire day without being sarcastic, or quick with a joke (thanks billy joel), or draw attention to how absurd I can be. It’s just impossible… Well, let me rephrase that to, "in English it’s impossible."

Spanish is another story. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to explain, “that’s what she said” to argentines. It just doesn’t translate over culturally. Take for example the conversation I was having the other day with some friends. Someone casually said (in Spanish), “it seems like we’re changing positions all the time.”
What was my gut reaction….? “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!!”
I couldn’t believe it; I was set up perfectly, hit it out of the park, intonation and all, and I got nothing… No laugh, no snicker, just a questioning look from the argentine peanut gallery that sat across from me. One finally asked me, “wait, who is she? And what did she say?”
I dropped my head and buried myself in my Malbec, beaten and torn. Now, don’t get me wrong, I definitely make people laugh in Spanish, I’m just not sure if they’re laughing with me or at me. I mean, a laugh is a laugh, right?
And the next time someone says something to me on the Subte or bus, along the lines of, "Can you push yourself in further?" I'll stifle my laughter and attempt to act like an adult (well maybe).
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